Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Last year, we moved. One of the big reasons we wanted to move is so that we could have easy outdoor space. With the weather cooling down and Everett getting more opinionated about what he wants to do, we are starting to really enjoy it.

Everett's favorite thing to do in the evenings is to "go for a ride around the block" and "find some friends." He'll talk to anyone who is outside - man, woman, child, dog. He will try to race, he will tell you his name and ask yours, he will explain what we are doing. It's adorable to us and hopefully not to annoying to others.

Riding - September 26, 2018

Wandering around the neighborhood is...nice. We've said hello to lots of people and are getting to know a few more of our neighbors. There are a good amount of small kids, and it's great to start introducing them so young, even before some of them have class together in elementary school. Maybe some of these kids will spend hours at our house. Maybe we'll trade off babysitting with that couple for date nights. Somehow, in the part of the day where evening starts turning to night, the future feels more real.

We can do the small talk now. That's such a crucial ability when our toddler is starting conversations with everyone. Our stomachs don't drop and we aren't fighting back tears each time. If those conversations lead to more, they'll find out our story then.

They'll find out we had another son first. We had a precious baby who we miss every day and do not hide. He made us parents. He made us a family beyond a couple. He was the first one who kicked in Elizabeth's belly, the first one we rushed to the hospital for. He was the first one we held, the first one who cried, the first one we cared for. Those experiences - crammed into thirty-some weeks of pregnancy and thirty-three days of life - they are foundational for us.

These evening strolls are such sweet moments. Sweet moments we dreamed of, then were torn away and felt impossible, yet here they are. Not in the way we ever imagined or hoped for, but here.

Imogen - September 2, 2018