Wednesday, April 19, 2017

On The Move

We're moving!

As with everything these days, it's bittersweet. We're doing our best to focus on the sweet while still acknowledging the bitter. So in that spirit...

The Bitter.
  • We're leaving our first home together. Our first family home. This is where Chris proposed, where we found out we were expecting Obie and Evie, where we set up the nursery for Obie, where we brought our boys home to. And yes, where Obie died. We don't think the full weight of leaving has hit us yet, but we expect it will be a tough few days.  
Showing Obie his room for the first time - December 9, 2014 (Obie Xmas)

The Sweet.
  • More room!
  • A yard!
  • No more common living space drama!
  • No carpet!
  • A chance to set up a new family space, with places to memorialize Oberon and for Everett to safely play. Rather than fitting our babies into a full apartment, we get to start fresh with dedicated spaces for both our boys.
  • We'll have a chance to set up a child-safe house from the get-go.
Evie playing in the new house - April 13, 2017

The Things to Accept.
  • Our mortgage payment and property taxes have increased...a lot. We will need to adjust our lifestyle accordingly.
  • There is a lot of work ahead of us to move and to get the new house where we want it to be.
  • We need to buy almost a full house worth of new furniture! Exciting, but also daunting.
Everett has already been to the new house and really enjoys running all over. He's mastered the half step from the dining room to the family room and he loves opening and closing the closets.  The dowel rods to help lock the sliding doors also make great toys.

More and more every day, he is becoming his own person. His balance and physical development changes seemingly by the week. He walks, nearly runs, climbs, and climbs down. He hugs the cats (they let him do it, our cats are not normal).  He'd fantastic at making a mess with utensils, and just staring to understand they help him get the food into his mouth easier.

Giving Pepper a hug - April 12, 2017

Fun in the tub - March 29, 2017

Helping with the laundry - April 9, 2017

Food, glorious food - April 13, 2017

Emotionally, he's also going through changes. His face changes immediately when he hears "don't" or "no" - even if it's a very minor thing. He calms down, but the initial reaction always happens (so far). He hates being done with meals and will try to shovel in all the leftover bits when we start wiping him up. He still loves peek-a-boo and being chased, especially being "gotten." His endless giggles at at even the simplest things help us to relax and remember to enjoy spending as much time as we can with him.

Big smiles on the swing - April 1, 2017