Friday, February 28, 2020

Heart Month

This February had valentines all over it. From making valentine boxes to sending cards to loved ones to hanging up school friend valentines, our house was covered in hearts. As much fun as we've been having, it's not hard to remember Valentine's Days that were less joyous. It can be a complicated holiday, but we are trying to instill a more inclusive way to celebrate.

Happy Valentine's Day! - February 14, 2020

You love being a mom, don't you? 
Someone said this to Elizabeth at work. And it is true. We love parenting these beasties. We love their silliness, we love when they belt out "Into The Unknown",  we love bedtime stories, we love negotiations, we love when they run to hug us at pick-up time, we love watching them flourish. Yes, the boundless energy and confusing logic of toddlers can be annoying, but it is easily balanced out with all the giggly love.

Reunited after Elizabeth's work travel - February 15, 2020

Family means love.
Everett and Imogen doodled valentines for their grandparents, parents, and cousins. For the first time, we asked them to tell us why they loved these people. It's a win-win as it teaches our children to name and value the wonderful things about their loved ones, and we hope Grandma loved reading that Everett loves when she reads stories to him. 

Reading with Grandma F - February 20, 2020

Friendship and caregiving mean love.
Our friends and those who take care of us are showing us love. Everett is clearly getting this concept as he included all the things his preschool teachers do for him as reasons he loves them. We didn't get to witness Everett's Valentine's Day party at preschool, but he told us all about it. He relished delivering his valentines to his friends (they had an Obie's bee!) and was giddy opening his valentines at home. He's clearly made an impression on Ian H. who gave him not one, not two, but THREE valentines! 

Valentines all ready for preschool! - February 2020

Love is love is love is love is love.
Our beasties have had models and stories of different family and love dynamics since they were born. Of course, our family unit is a Mommy and a Daddy who love each other and are married, but that's not the only type of family (or the only type of love). We think we're doing an OK job as one of Everett's running stories is that Hiro (a train from Thomas the Train) is married to Scooby-Doo. We're also having active discussions when we watch older Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty. It IS silly that Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora "fell in love" after one woodland dance party. The plot of Frozen really helps here, because even though Anna thought she was in love with Hans, she was wrong. But then, in A Day In The Life of Marlon Bundo the bunnies fall in love in one day and decide to get married... oof. Maybe bunnies just know faster than humans.

Expressing love is a good thing.
Our culture is very wound up when it comes to the "L word." We haven't seen any signs of emotional repression in Everett or Imogen yet, and I hope we never do. (Though we will be on the lookout.) Expressing your feelings - positive or negative - is not inherently bad or wrong or stupid. Saying "I love you" can feel awkward, even for adults, especially outside of the culturally sanctioned romantic relationships. Let's not perpetuate that. Let love fly! 

And with that, to any of you reading this - we have love for you. Whether we know (and love) you in real life, or whether we appreciate (and send love) that you are interested in our story. We hope you felt the love on Valentine's Day and beyond. Happy Heart Month.

Valentine doodles - February 2020

Valentine's Mask from Ms. K - February 14, 2020

 Immy's First Roller Coaster Ride, Pacific Fruit Express at Happy Hollow - February 22, 2020

Beasties Melting My Heart - February 24, 2020

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